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Saturday, October 20, 2007

What Will They FInd...

Over the last two months scientists have been analyzing selected natural areas on undeveloped lands throughout Erie’s Planning Area to create a "Natural Areas Inventory". On Tuesday, October 23, 4:00 to 7:00PM there will be an open house at the Erie Town Hall to reveal the results.

The town's press release says: "The inventory will help staff implement components of the Erie Comprehensive Master Plan by evaluating development options on lands that have sensitive ecosystems or habitat needs. Staff will have alternatives and preservation recommendations to share with public and private developers to encourage land use that enhances Erie’s natural setting."

Is this the start of a new wave of growth control in Erie? More so, is there likely to be much land of ecological significance? As a member of LOSAC I'm glad to see such a proactive step being made on behalf of Erie's nascent open space program. To the extent this inventory helps prioritize and highlight areas best saved from development is should boost the town's ability to champion the cause for local open space.

I'm wondering if there will be results of dubious value, the proverbial "be careful what you wish for..." What if the inventory demonstrates only a minimum of "quality" habitat?

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