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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Update From Mayor Pirnack on Longmont

According to the Longmont Times Call, Longmont Mayor Julia Pirnack will give a 15-minute speech on the State of the City at the Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce's networking event tonight. Of interest to me is the overview of the Focus on Longmont initiative, a huge visioning process that most communities have not pursued; instead leaving their various Comp Plan update processes to work as a de facto visioning process.

Following the visioning process, approved last year, comes the prioritization and sequencing of policies. More than a status report on projects(which the Mayor will mention as well), this topic should provide the most insight into where/what Longmont intends to be in several years.


Anonymous said...

Hey Dan, great column. We need it. I tried to contact the mayor and city council - they don't use official government email accounts, which is probably illegal. Boulder officials use their city email accounts, as do other Longmont employees. We have a national problem with Bush using RNC email accounts to circumvent open records requests for government emails. Clearly, Pirnack and council can use city email accounts - they provide security, proper archival, and government control. Yahoo, MSN, earthlink and hotmail shouldn't be handling government emails.

Why is the council not obeying the law, and why don't they use official email accounts like other government officials here in Colorado and across the nation?

Anonymous said...

I talked to Pirnack and her architect husband. Their vision of Longmont is Xenophobic. They wish to model us after Ward, using the new Stonehenge gravesite on the east side, next to the Sugar Mill Superfund site and waste areas as a deterrent.

Dan Powers said...

I've removed the previous comment on this post. Vulgar fly-by jabs by anonymous posters is not what this blog is about. Give me some more words, examples, details about your gripes with the Mayor.